Personal Electronic Device Policy
For A.L. Horton's Personal Electronic Device Policy, click here.
The Geography Challenge continues to build interest in geography among young Canadians by allowing them to test their knowledge in friendly competition. Besides being fun and educational, the Geography Challenge is a terrific opportunity for students to shine in the spotlight! At A. L. Horton, students in grades 4-6 participate in classroom level activities which lead to a final competition where a school champion is determined.
The Running Room Games is a community athletics (track and field) event that allows children from grades three through six the opportunity to experience the thrill of competition -- against themselves and each other. Track events for girls and boys include 200m and 800m individual events as well as 8 x 200m relay events. Interested students have the opportunity to train and travel to Edmonton to compete.
Students in Gr. 5 are provided with an opportunity to demonstrate leadership by assisting with the milk program. Students deliver milk to the classrooms and assist with record keeping. Students in the LINKS classroom are responsible for preparing the daily milk deliveries.
Grade 6 students volunteer to serve as office helpers on a rotational basis. Students have the opportunity to exhibit responsible school citizenship by volunteering in this capacity.
Positive Playgrounds is a program that encourages leadership and involvement by having Grade 4 volunteers assist our students in Grades 1 and 2 organize and participate in a variety of interesting and fun activities during the lunch recess breaks.
For A.L. Horton's Personal Electronic Device Policy, click here.
Feb 19, 26, Mar 5, 12, 19. Click here before 11:00 pm on the Sunday prior of the hot dog day to order
Feb 14 Hot Dog & Juice, Feb 21 Perogies & Sausage, Feb 28 A&W. Orders CLOSED