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Welcome Back on August 31!

Happy August, everyone! 

We are excited to see most students in one week, on the first day of school - Thursday, August 31!

The school office is open on August 24, 25, and 28. The office will be closed on August 29 for staff professional learning. 

The office reopens on August 30 in preparation for the first day of school on Thursday, August 31. If you have questions prior to the first day of school, please call us at 780-632-3113 and check out our website at .

  • Teachers will be sending an email introduction to families on August 30 at 2 PM so that students know which classroom they are looking for on the first day. 
  • Class lists will be posted out front of the school on tables and maps of the school will be posted at entry doors.
  • Roving staff will be available to assist children and parents/caregivers. You can identify us by our Hawaiian leis, worn this year in support of our neighbours in the US and in BC affected by fires. 

*Please note that if you have a child in Kindergarten or the PALS program, your child’s first day will likely be different than Grades 1-6. The teacher will email you with staggered start dates. Please call us if you are unsure. 



Are you shedding happy or sad tears this fall?  Connect with other parents to start the new year. From 8:15 - 9:15 a.m. on August 31, pop into the school library for coffee and treats. Stay for a minute or stay awhile - it’s up to you! School administration will stop in to say hello after visiting classes and ensuring all children have made it safely to their learning destinations. 



Join us from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5 for our Meet the Staff Event. Here is the schedule for the evening:

3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Please enter through the front school doors. 

  • Teachers greet students and parents/caregivers in classrooms. This is a time to visit classrooms, say a quick hello, check out your child’s learning space, and ask a question or two. This is a drop in time; no need to stay for the entire time if you are unable. 
  • School administration will host a table in the front lobby. Stop by to say hello!
  • School council volunteers and parents from the Friends of A.L. Horton Fundraising Society will connect with parents in the front lobby area as well. Stop by to see how you can help with the School Council or fundraising for our school playgrounds this year!
  • Hot dogs handed out to families from the canteen in the gymnasium hallway. Stop by after you’ve visited your child’s teacher(s) and get one hot dog for each family member. Enjoy!



8:15 a.m. - Morning arrival bell. Students enter via their grade level’s entry door.

8:30 a.m. - Classes begin. Students arriving after this time should enter via the front door. Please use the doorbell on the wall. 

11:52 a.m. - Lunch recess 

12:22 p.m. - Lunch eating time

12:52 p.m. - Afternoon classes begin

3:00 p.m. - Dismissal bell (Note: The first Wednesday of each month is early dismissal day at 1:55 p.m.)

3:03 p.m. - Bus departure



*Please remember that there is no parking at the front of the school in the bus lane from 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. nor from 2:30 - 3:05 p.m. Parking is available on the street nearest the field area, on side streets, and across the street. Please refrain from entering the staff parking lot from 7:15 AM - 3:30 PM . Many students walk through this area on their way to and from out of school care and school and are not watching for vehicles.

**There are no trained student AMA Safety Patrollers at the crosswalks during the first weeks of September. Parents/caregivers may wish to walk children to school. There are two crosswalks in front of the staff parking lot and two nearest the school sign. 

***Note that the space between the two buses out front of the school is a DANGER ZONE. Parents and students are not to walk through this area to cross the street. We want to keep everyone safe, so please model using the crosswalk for your child. 



All students are invited to participate in our celebration of Alberta’s Ukrainian-Canadian Heritage Day. 2016 was the 125th year in recorded history of Ukrainians in Alberta and we celebrate the early contributions of Ukrainian-Albertans and the rich culture and language in this area. 

  • Students with embroidered shirts can wear them or wearing blue and yellow would be welcomed!



If your child is in Kindergarten and you’re needing programming and care on non-Kindergarten days, please give the school a call to inquire about available spaces. KinderCare has subsidies to help with program fees. 

Before School Care hours are 7:15 - 8:15 AM and After School Care hours are 3:00 - 5:15 p.m. Give us a call if you need child care to assist you on your working days.



Monday, September 25 at 6:30 PM is the first School Council meeting. We invite all parents and caregivers to join us in the library for the Annual General Meeting and elections. All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed online on the Parent Page of the school website.

The Friends of A.L. Horton Fundraising Society needs your help fundraising to replace our playgrounds. Come hear the latest metal analysis results for our equipment, updates on funds raised during the past two years, and next steps!



Not sure what’s happening at school? Check out photos, archives of this school newsletter, student artwork, learning information, and key events on our social media platforms. Follow us on:

Twitter - @ALHortonSchool

Instagram - alhortonelementary 

Facebook - @alhortonschool 

School website - 

Fundraising society’s Facebook - Friends of A.L. Horton School Society

You can also email your child’s teacher(s) anytime with questions and concerns. The teacher is your first call and person to contact regarding learning and behavioural issues. Please note your child’s teacher’s email address when the first email comes to your inbox on August 30. You can also call the school at 780-632-3113 to leave a message. 



August 30 - Kindergarten Party in the Playground Event - invitation via email

August 31 - First day of school for Grades 1-6

August 31 - Cheers & Tears at 8:15 a.m. for parents/caregivers in the library

August 31 to September 6 - staggered start for Kindergarten students - teachers will email

September 4 - Labour Day; no school 

September 5 - Meet the Staff evening 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

August 31 - Sept 14 - PALS Meet & Greet & staggered entry dates - teacher will email

September 6 - early dismissal for the staff meeting at 2:00 p.m.

September 25 - School Council Annual General Meeting & Elections at 6:30 PM

September 29 - Orange Shirt Day - Every Child Matters


October 4 - early dismissal for staff meeting at 2:00 p.m.

October 6 - no school; staff professional learning day off site

October 9 - no school; thanksgiving holiday

October 10 & 11 - School Photo Days

October 12 - Bus evacuation practice schoolwide

We look forward to engaging with all families as we work toward our school vision: “Connecting to foster the minds and hearts of leaders.”


Keri Busenius   &     Amy Rice

Principal                   Assistant Principal

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113