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2018-19 EIPS Parent Survey: We Want to Hear from You

Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is committed to ensuring all parents and guardians of students within the Division have a chance to share their thoughts on the overall performance of their school and the Division. One of the ways EIPS ensures its parents’ voices are heard is by conducting an annual parent survey.

ALH encourages all parents and guardians to take a few minutes to complete the brief online survey. It will only take a few minutes and will help to supplement the Division’s Accountability Pillar Survey data. Plus, new this year, the survey includes questions about cellphones and personal devices. Your feedback will help the EIPS Board of Trustees develop a policy about cellphones and their use within the school.

Survey closes March 29

The feedback gathered will help the Division measure its progress towards meeting the goals and priorities outlined in the EIPS 2018-22 Four-Year Education Plan and develop strategies to better serve its students and the wider community.

NOTE: The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you want to share the experience of more than one child attending an EIPS school, simply complete the survey again.

Thank you for your participation.

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