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2019 Vegreville Malanka - St. Joseph's General Hospital

Covenant Foundation will be organizing the 2019 Vegreville Malanka in support of the St. Joseph’s General Hospital!

The event will be held on Saturday, January 12th, 2019, at the Vegreville Social Centre to ring in the new year Ukrainian style. There will be live music, performances and delicious traditional food! As well, there will be prizes and dancing – featuring music from Euphoria!

Malanka tickets are now available for sale! There are three different ways to purchase tickets:

  1. ONLINE: Follow the link to purchase tickets
  2. PHONE: If your members are unable to purchase tickets online, please call our toll free number at 1-866-342-8126. We can run the transaction for you and keep your tickets at the door.
  3. HOSPITAL: If your members wants to purchase at a physical location, they can be purchased through the St. Joseph’s General Hospital. Please inquire with Wendy Thostensen (she is located at the Administration area of the hospital).


Thank you in advance for your possible support. If you have any questions about the event, please don’t hesitate to phone our toll free number at 1-866-342-8126.

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113