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School Council Meeting, 12 Days of Giving, Skating, and more!


We hope to see you online or in person tonight for the School Council meeting at 6:30 PM, followed by the Friends fundraising society meeting. 

The online Google Meet code is    

Agendas and minutes were emailed to all families last week and can also be found on the school website Parents Page

Do you and a parent friend have a couple hours per month to volunteer as the A.L. Horton Elementary School Council Chair and Vice-Chair? 

Are you wanting to learn more about the fundraising society's operations this year? The Friends group needs a Secretary.

Join us tonight to volunteer for these currently vacant positions. We need you!

Our school benefits from the help of many parents, caregivers, and community organizations and we like to give back throughout the year. Our "12 Days of Holiday Giving" song and donations campaign for the Christmas Bureau and Food Bank launched last week.

Here are items we invite students to bring in to donate to local charities, families, and seniors in need:

Day 1 - size 4 or 5 diapers

Day 2 - shampoo and conditioner

Day 3 - unwrapped toys and games (all ages)

Day 4 - (today, November 28) - new tuques and mittens

Day 5 - deodorant

Day 6 - canned vegetables

Day 7 - boxes of crackers

Day 8 - boxes or bags of cereal

Day 9 - granola bars

Day 10 - pancake mix & syrup

Day 11 - condiments for meals (mustard, mayo, etc.)

Day 12 - toilet paper


We have reserved ice time the week of December 18 - 22 for grade 1-6 classes to go skating at the arena. Watch for a field trip form coming home via email soon. We'll need skate tying volunteers for sure!

The fee for skating already listed in the Parent Portal is $6 or two dollars per visit.

**If it turns frigid cold outside, the school hot lunch program will pay for bussing to the arena.

Another trip to the skating rink will be booked for February, with details to come later. 

If you are interested in being part of a small team of parents/caregivers who might organize an ice skates exchange, please call the school at 780-632-3113.Thank you. 


Visit the Parent Portal on Friday at 4 PM to view your child's term one progress, celebrations, and next steps.

Our school goals related to writing, reading, and math continue to inform our work with students each day!

-See our School Education Plan on our website (see the blue "teasers" along the right hand side) as well as Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Test information (see page 9 of the Guide to Reporting Student Achievement document linked on our website in the blue "teasers" section). 


We recognize the following parents and caregivers this week for their ongoing efforts supporting our school!

Erin R - Friends Society President and School Council Parent at Large

Hannah D - Friends Society Parent at Large and School Council Secretary

Bonnie D - attended Monday's Assurance Review with the Board of Trustees, representing parents

Nancy K - in year two as Treasurer of the Friends Society

Kelly D - in year two as Vice President of the Friends Society

Tennille B - Director at Large of the Friends Society

Christel S - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Krystal L - Wednesday and Friday hot lunch teams

Colleen Davis - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Leslie G - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Janelle P - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Jamie G - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Karma J - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Jamie B - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Emma F - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Heather K - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Muns P - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Montserrat M - Wednesday hot dog lunch cooking and delivery team

Kaylee P - Friday hot lunch pick up and delivery team

In the coming weeks we'll recognize our library "new book preparation" team who cover all our new books to help them stay clean and protected through many readings!

Thank you also to Mrs. Kuhn, Miss Billingsley, Ms. Rice, and parents Luke M and Laura A for their coaching, mentoring, and supervision over the last two months of Grade 5-6 volleyball. 

The A.L. Horton Cubs face off against the St. Martin's Saints again today at 3:30 PM at St. Martin's School. 

Go, Cougar Cubs!

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113