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Alternative Learning During In-school Class Cancellations

Thank you to all EIPS families and students for your patience while the Division worked out the details of how learning will take place while in-school classes are cancelled. Over the last few weeks, teachers and staff have worked hard at developing alternative learning plans at all grade levels. Students enrolled in diploma courses began working with their teachers in late March. And, on April 6, the Division officially launched its alternative instruction for all other students.

Delivering learning in this way is new for students, family members and teachers. They’ll no doubt be obstacles to overcome along the way, and there will be successes that will bring surprise. Over the coming weeks, students will start to adjust to a different format, and teachers will learn what works best for those in their classes. It will take time. Know that teachers care deeply about students, about their achievement and are committed to ensuring all learners have the resources needed to successfully transition to the next year.

To help make the shift in learning as smooth as possible, EIPS has developed an online toolkit for families: Alternative Learning During In-School Class Cancellations. The toolkit offers information about learning resources, supplemental lessons, navigating Google Classroom, how-to tips on supporting students, and more. In addition to learning supports, the toolkit also lists various mental health resources families can access to help navigate the unprecedented challenges everyone is facing as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the circumstances, it’s important no one feel undue pressure to get it all right from the very beginning. There are many supports available to help along the way, and your child’s education remains top of mind for every EIPS teacher and administrator. Using the resources available, teachers will do their best to help guide both you and your child until everyone is back at school, and face to face.

For more information, and questions about alternative instruction, contact the school at 780-632-3113.

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113