5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8
Phone: 780-632-3113
It’s just over a week until our first Christmas concert in three years, and we’ve been working hard to entertain you! Read on for details about entrance and exit doors for the concert, seating and views of the “stage”, and more.
Also included in this newsletter is information about two surveys to help us with decision making and programming - the Student Engagement December Survey & the Parent Perspectives Survey #1.
A huge thank you to students, families, and staff for giving back this holiday season. We’ve filled boxes and more boxes with winter clothing, unwrapped toys, canned goods, and hygiene items for the local Christmas Bureau, Food Bank, and the Vegreville Housing and Basic Needs Task Force. These organizations help families, including children and seniors, during what is both a beautiful and stressful holiday season.
Parking - There is parking in front of the school on 48 Ave., along the side street that is 50a Street, and on other nearby streets. We anticipate about 70 families joining us for each concert and hope that Concert #1 attendees can clear the neighbourhood (by 5:50 PM) prior to Concert #2 families arriving to park vehicles.
Entrance Doors for Concert #1 - We invite families to arrive at 4:40 PM and assemble at the west Out of School Care entrance, the front door entrance, or the gymnasium east entrance.
Exit Doors for Concert 1 - To avoid congestion and confusion with exiting and entering, please plan to meet your child at his/her classroom and exit through the Grade 4 doors at the base of the staircase on the east side of the school. Staff will be posted at the front doors and gym doors to redirect you to the Grade 4 exit door.
Entrance Doors for Concert 2 - We invite families to arrive in the neighbourhood after 5:50 PM to secure a parking spot close to the school. Concert 1 families will have left the area about this time.
Exit Doors for Concert 2 - After picking up your child(ren), all exit doors are available to you for leaving the building.
Student Actor Areas - all children will assemble in their classrooms prior to the concert and will remain with teachers. Student performers must remain with their teacher at the end of the concert and can be picked up at their classroom to ensure student supervision and safety.
Footwear - Our hardworking custodians ask that everyone wipe their boots and shoes upon entering the school. This will keep our hallways drier and cleaner for student performers assembling and will help us to avoid slips and falls indoors on wet floors.
Costumes/Dress for Students - “everyday” or “nice” clothes; no need to buy fancy clothing for the evening
Seating - The gymnasium can hold 450 chairs** for each concert. With about 160 students performing at each concert, that is about 3 chairs per family. We are endeavouring to set up chairs in the gym so that everyone has a good view of student performers who will be elevated on risers and/or spaced out in front of microphones.
*We are investigating a Google Meet livestream link for grandparents and family members who would like to enjoy the show virtually. More info coming.
**If you have a family member attending who needs seating for a wheelchair, please call the school and we will make arrangements for you.
Concert #1 - Student surnames A-L. Doors open at 4:45 PM. Show at 5 PM
Concert #2 - Student surnames M-Z. Doors open at 6 PM. Show at 6:15 PM
During the November 28 Friends of A.L. Horton School Society meeting, parents and caregivers stepped forward to lead fundraising efforts for our students and school. Much gratitude to new and returning volunteer parents:
President: Denise G.
Vice President: Kelly D.
Secretary: Ken A.
Treasurer: Nancy K.
Directors at Large: Hannah D., Sherise G., Khalid A., Annie J.
The society is holding the following fundraisers currently and will need a number of volunteers to help out here and there in the next month or two:
Ice Melt sales (many thanks to Vantage for storing product while fundraising was on hold)
Legion breakfasts & steak fry nights
$25 / 16 kg pail
Order form and product information page emailed to families on December 5.
Order deadline: Monday, December 12, 2022. No late orders will be accepted.
Pickup date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 AFTER each Christmas Concert; approximately 5:35 - 5:50 PM and 6:50 7:05 PM, respectively.
You can email the Friends Society with questions, offers to help, and with ideas of future fundraisers you would like to lead.
We have reserved the first two rows of seats for the following parents and caregivers:
Individuals will be notified by phone and/or email by December 12 to confirm the concert show and seating. Thank you for supporting our school!
How are we doing this year? We are asking students in Grades 3-6 to tell us about engagement in classes, school leadership opportunities, availability of books they like to read, feeling safe and welcome at school, and favourite school events.
Parents and caregivers, how are we doing? Follow the Dec. 5 emailed link to the Parent Perspectives Survey about school events, yearbook, student engagement, fundraising, programming, and communications.
We make better decisions when we are talking with and checking in with you. If the survey doesn’t allow you to voice a perspective, idea, or concern, call Mrs. Busenius at the school at 780-632-3113 or email her at principal.alh@eips.ca .
Linked here is the December newsletter about programming in Vegreville schools (scroll to bottom of their page) by the Mental Health Capacity Building Coaches. We are grateful that Miss K and Miss McSween are in our building to support students with social skills, regulation, identity, and mental health.
There are some winter break activities planned at the local library. See the emailed poster and register your child for some fun with peers over the break!
December 6 Telus World of Science field trip for Grade 5
December 6 Winter Wonderland “wear blue and white” spirit day
December 7 Early dismissal at 2:00 PM for staff meeting
December 7 Hot dog lunch
December 9 Chins Hot Lunch
December 9 Holiday Sweater spirit day
December 13 Holiday Socks spirit day
December 14 Christmas Concerts - 5 PM for A-L & 6:15 PM for M-Z families
December 14 Hot dog lunch
December 16 Dairy Queen Hot Lunch
December 16 Wear Red & Green spirit day
December 19 Saint Nicholas Day (Ukraine)
December 20 PJ Holiday Spirit day
Dec 21 through Jan 3 No School; Winter Break
January 4 First day back after Winter Break
January 4 Early dismissal at 2:00 PM for staff meeting
January 4 **** Please note there is NO HOT DOG LUNCH ON JAN. 4
January 19 Have Lunch with Your Child day - Google Form coming soon
January 23 School Council & Friends meetings (virtual) 6:30 PM
January 30 No School; professional learning day for teachers
Keri Busenius & Rita Lal
Principal Assistant Principal
Connecting to foster the minds and hearts of leaders.
5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8
Phone: 780-632-3113