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Five more sleeps!

Getting closer! Only five more sleeps until school begins!

If your family is like most, you’re working on earlier bedtimes, earlier waking times, and getting back into habits and routines. It’s tough, especially with these beautiful days of summer. 

This update includes some staffing changes, survey responses, event reminders, and more.

THE 2022-2023 STAFF TEAM 

PALS (Play & Learn at School) - Ms. Giebelhaus & Miss Morgana with Mrs. Dinwoodie

KinderCare - Mrs. Powley

Kindergarten - Mrs. Bortnick 

Grade One - Mrs. Kozak with Mrs. Wakaruk & Mrs. Miller

Grade Two - Mrs. Barlott & Ms. Reid

Grade Three - Mrs. Palamarek & Mrs. Semeniuk

LINKS (Learning - Independent Knowledge & Skills) - Ms. Umphrey-Mizera & Miss Morgana with Mrs. Fedorouk, Mrs. Granger, Ms. Saint, Mrs. Wortel

Grade Four - Miss Billingsley & Mrs. Kuhn

Grade Five - Miss Kozicki & Miss LeClair with Mrs. Duk

Grade Six - Mr. Barkwell & Mrs. Bombak/Mr. Maskal

Ukrainian Language Learning Team - Panni Fedorouk & Panni Bombak/Pan Maskal

Counsellor - Ms. Giebelhaus

Mental Health Capacity Building - Miss K

Family School Liaison Worker - Miss McSween (practicum)

Learning Commons/Library - Mrs. Shell

Office Team - Mrs. Bay & Mrs. Golka

Assistant Principal - Mrs. Lal

Principal - Mrs. Busenius

Mr. Maskal is on leave until November. Mrs. Bombak is teaching Grade 6 and Grade 3/4 & Grade 5/6 Ukrainian Language & Culture during term one.

The office is closed on August 26 for staff professional learning off site. The office reopens on August 29 in preparation for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 30. If you have questions prior to the first day of school, please give us a call at 780-632-3113 and check out our website at .

  • Teachers will be sending an email introduction to families on August 29 so that students know which classroom they are looking for on the first day. 
  • Class lists and maps of the school will be posted at all entry doors and roving staff will be available to assist children and parents/caregivers. Look for staff members wearing colourful Hawaiian leis!



The 2022/23 school supply lists were sent home with your child but you can also view them on our website at this link,



Thank you for connecting with us for our survey last week. Here are the responses and themes:

  • Parents are most looking forward to these upcoming events:
    • First Day of School August 30
    • Meet the Staff evening September 1
    • Lunch with My Child day - *see date change below!
    • Hot Dog days and Hot Lunch days
  • How was your family’s summer?
    • 57% said “restful and adventurous”
    • 21% said “hectic and worrisome”
    • 22% responded with a combination of “quiet, worrisome, hectic, and/or satisfying”
  • Issues and questions that emerged include: student conduct & behaviour/school discipline, Kindergarten, school goals for literacy and numeracy, and field trips, including swimming lessons.
    • Mrs. Busenius & Mrs. Lal will speak to these queries at the School Council meeting on September 19 in the Library.
    • In the meantime, here is key information related to conduct and discipline:



All students are invited to participate in our celebration of Alberta’s Ukrainian-Canadian Heritage Day. 2016 was the 125th year in recorded history of Ukrainians in Alberta and we celebrate the early contributions of Ukrainian-Albertans and the rich culture and language in this area. Students with embroidered shirts can wear them or wearing blue and yellow would be welcomed!



Join other parents for coffee, visiting, and a snack from 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. on August 30. Share stories of summer, meet someone new, laugh, and/or cry because school has begun! Mrs. Busenius & Mrs. Lal will pop by to say hello after seeing all students in classes. Bring a friend! 



Join us from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 1 for our Meet the Staff Event. We are delighted that we can meet in classrooms and in person this fall. Here is the schedule for the evening:

3:30 - 4:15 p.m. - Teachers greet students and parents/caregivers in classrooms. This is a time to wander about the school, say a quick hello, look around the classroom, and ask a question or two. This is a drop in time; no need to stay for the entire time if you are unable. Please enter through the front doors. 

4:15 p.m. - All staff, students, and families are called to the gymnasium.

4:25 p.m. - Staff introductions. School Council message.

4:40 p.m. - Hot dogs handed out to families from the canteen in the gymnasium hallway. Please enjoy the hot dogs outside on the lawn and thank you for coming! 

Note: The Vegreville Fall Registration Night also runs this evening from 5-7 p.m. at the Vegreville Social Centre at 4802-47A Street. Visit their Facebook page at 


If your child is in Kindergarten and you’re needing programming and care on non-Kindergarten days, please give the school a call to inquire about available spaces. KinderCare has subsidies to help with program fees. 

Before School Care hours are 7:15 - 8:15 AM and After School Care hours are 3:00 - 5:15 p.m. Give us a call if you need child care to assist you on your working days.



Monday, September 19 at 6:30 PM is the first School Council meeting. We invite all parents and caregivers to join us in the library for the Annual General Meeting and elections. All meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed online on the Parent Page of the school website.

The Friends of A.L. Horton Fundraising Society has casinos on September 26 and 27. Contact to ask about this and future volunteer activities. Hope to see you at the meeting on September 19!


August 30 - First day of school for Grades 1-6

August 30 - Cheers & Tears at 8:30 a.m. in Library

August 30 to September 2 - orientation days for Kindergarten & PALS 

September 1 - Meet the Staff evening 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

September 5 - Labour Day; no school

September 7 - early dismissal for staff meeting at 1:55 p.m.

September 7 - Ukrainian-Canadian Heritage Day in Alberta

September 19 - School Council & Fundraising Society Meeting 6:30 p.m. in the library

September 21* - Have Lunch with Your Child at School - #1 - note date change!

September 21* - Welcome assembly at 1 p.m. - note date change; more info soon!

September 23 - Terry Fox Run/Walk 

September 29 - Orange Shirt Day

September 30 - No School; National Day for Truth & Reconciliation


We look forward to engaging with all families as we work toward our school vision: “Connecting to foster the minds and hearts of leaders.”

See you soon!

Keri Busenius   &     Rita Lal

Principal                   Assistant Principal

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113