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Head Lice

REMINDER: Make head checks for lice a regular routine!

Head lice is one of the most common problems faced by school-aged children and their families. Typically, head lice are tiny, greyish-brown insects that live on the scalp and lay their eggs, or nits, in the hair close to the scalp—itching is the main complaint. Lice don’t jump from head to head nor are they dangerous. Having a head lice infestation, however, can cause stress, anxiety and hardship for staff, students and parents. As such, it’s essential each of our families do their part at home by undertaking weekly routine head checks and, if head lice and nits are found, physically removing them.

While head lice prevention and control is primarily the responsibility of the parent, the school does work discreetly with the teacher, students and families to prevent further transmission. To prevent the spread of head lice, we strongly encourage you to speak to your child about preventative behaviour such as avoiding head-to-head contact and not sharing combs, hats, pillows and hair accessories. It’s also important to teach children not to tease other students about head lice—anyone can get head lice. If head lice are found on your child, notify the school, physically remove the lice and nits using the proper lice comb, and keep your child home until all signs of active head lice are gone.

For more information about head lice prevention and treatment, visit Alternatively, you can contact the school at 780-632-3113.

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113