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Join Your Child for Lunch & Hot Lunch Program Begins

We’ve got a family lunch day, a welcome assembly, and the Terry Fox Run/Walk next week. Read on to find out more!


Come on in through the front doors between 12 noon and 12:20 PM on September 21 and make your way to your child’s classroom to join us for lunch! 

  • If it’s sunny and warm, please enjoy a picnic outdoors with your child from 12:22 - 12:52 PM
  • If it’s cold and rainy, please plan to join your child or one of your children in the classroom for lunch. We will arrange to have a chair ready for you. 
    • Please note that we do not have enough space nor chairs to accommodate siblings in classrooms. But don’t worry, we have two more family lunch days this year!
  • Would you like a hot dog, too? This is our first Hot Dog Lunch day, so please visit the hot lunch website on Parent Portal for ordering and payment information. A hallal meat option is available. Orders due by 9 AM Tuesday.

Please visit this link to let us know you’re joining your child/ren for lunch on September 21 .  

At the 1 PM assembly, we are raising the Treaty 6 and Metis flags. Let us know if you can stay for our first school wide assembly. 



Hot Dog days this month are September 21 and 28, followed by each Wednesday during the month of October. 

Visit the hot lunch website on Parent Portal  to find out about October’s Friday Hot Lunch menus, dates, and ordering information.  We have so many great restaurants to choose from and support this year!  

October Hot Lunch dates are Oct 14 and Oct 21 and the order form will be up on Parent Portal next week. More information will be coming home with your child soon.

Volunteers are needed to keep the hot lunch program running at our school. Please call the school office at 780-632-3113 if you can help us one or two days a month to prepare hot dogs and/or deliver hot lunches to classes. 



Monday, September 19 at 6:30 PM is the first School Council meeting followed by the Fundraising Society meeting at 7 PM. 

While meetings will be in person until the weather turns, parents/guardians can also choose to join us online all year. It’s harvest season and families are busy, and some adults have a long commute home, so tune in via the Google Meet link emailed home if you cannot make the meeting in person.

All parents and caregivers are invited to join us in the library learning commons for the Annual General Meeting and elections for both School Council and the Fundraising Society:

  • School Council Chair
  • School Council Vice Chair
  • School Council Secretary
  • School Council Parents at Large


  • Friends Society President 
  • Friends Society Vice-President
  • Friends Society Secretary
  • Friends Society Treasurer
  • Friends Society Directors at Large

The Friends of A.L. Horton Fundraising Society has casinos on September 26 and 27. Contact to ask about fundraising opportunities.



**Student Photo day will be held over two days this year.** 

October 3- Kindergarten A and Grades 1-3

October 4- Kindergarten B and Grades 4-6



September 15 - Grade 5 classes visit the wetland 

September 19 - School Council & Fundraising Society Meeting 6:30 p.m. in the library

September 19 - Day of Mourning in Alberta for the passing of Queen Elizabeth

September 21 - Have Lunch with Your Child at School 

September 21 - Welcome assembly at 1 p.m. 

September 23 - Terry Fox Run/Walk - field trip form being emailed home soon

September 29 - Orange Shirt Day

September 30 - No School; National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

October 3 & 4 - School Photos

October 5 - World Teachers’ Day

October 5 - early dismissal for staff meeting at 1:55 p.m.

October 7 - No School; Professional Learning day for staff

October 10 - No School; Thanksgiving Day


Keri Busenius      &        Rita Lal

Principal                         Assistant Principal

Connecting to foster the minds and hearts of leaders.

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113