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Learning Supports, Vesna, & Field Trips

We hope you had a relaxing Easter long weekend. It looks like wet snow and scattered flurries will visit us during recesses this week. Thank you to parents for guiding your children to dress in layers and appropriate footwear for the variable weather we’ve been having. The temperatures vary greatly from morning arrival to dismissal at the end of the day!

There are ten precious weeks of learning time until this school year ends. Thank you to families for booking medical appointments later in the day or over the lunch hour so that attendance is regular and students have minimal disruptions to learning. Funding from the Government of Alberta will help us to support regular programming in Kindergarten and Grade One this spring. More information can be found below. 

The Friends of A.L. Horton School Fundraising Society meets following the School Council meeting on April 25 in the school library. We hope you can join us at 6 PM to meet and talk with other parents, hear about school celebrations, and assist in fundraising for the new school playground needed in 2023. 



On April 8, 2022, Elk Island Public Schools announced that Grade One small-group literacy and numeracy intervention programming would be offered this spring using the learning disruption funding provided by the Government of Alberta. This programming will run from April to June with Mrs. Hankirk. 

  • Small groups of two to five students will receive literacy and/or numeracy programming a minimum of twice a week. Groupings are based on STAR Reading and Numeracy Screener division assessment results. 


The Government of Alberta recently allocated to school divisions resources for additional Kindergarten supports. 

  • Our school will be using these resources for an additional teacher to work with small groups of Kindergarten students in the classroom for targeted literacy and numeracy support. 
  • Additionally, the teacher will work with small groups for pull-out speech, language, numeracy, and literacy programming from April through the end of June. 


Elk Island Public Schools has approved the operation of our Out of School Care summer program from July 4 to August 19. Hours of operation will be 7:15 AM to 5:15 PM. Please contact the school office at 780-632-3113 for more information and to register your child. A minimum of 15 children will be needed to operate this program. 


All A.L. Horton Elementary students and families are invited to a celebration of Ukrainian language and culture on the evening of May 11, 2022. Students from the Ukrainian language program will be performing and there will be a silent auction. 

  • Proceeds will go toward supporting newcomers to Alberta from Ukraine and humanitarian aid efforts in Ukraine. 
  • Tickets are $2 per adult or child and can be pre-ordered through the school office. An order form and more information will be coming home soon. (Note: Ukrainian language program students will receive a free ticket for performing at this event.)


Grade level teams have been busy planning on site and off site learning opportunities for Social Studies, Science, Ukrainian, and Physical Education concepts and skills. Check the school website calendar and the list below for the latest information. Parents are reminded to log into the Parent Portal website regularly to pay field trips fees in advance. Thank you to parents and caregivers who are able to volunteer to supervise students during off site activities. 




Do you have a child registered in Kindergarten next year? If so, make sure to attend our upcoming Kindergarten Information Night on May 17. You’ll get to:

  • tour the school
  • meet the teachers
  • gain insight on play-based learning
  • see what a typical day looks like

Doors open at 5:15 PM and the presentation begins at 5:30 PM in the school library. 

The Kindergarten Toolkit will be coming home soon. Important information about bussing, KinderCare, and school operations will be included. 



April 19 - Kindergarten Grad Photos & Grade 6 Grad Panoramic Photo

April 20 - Grade 5/6 Ukrainian Bilingual Students travel to Ukrainian Village

April 21 - Grade 3/4 Ukrainian Bilingual Students travel to Ukrainian Village

April 21 - Grade 3Semeniuk, 3/4Palamarek, and Grade 4Kuhn Bowling Trip

April 20 - School Spirit Night at the Edmonton Oilers Game

April 24 - 30 - Volunteer Week

April 25 - School Council & Friends of A.L. Horton meetings 6:30 PM 

April 29 - Disney Spirit Day

May 2 - Grade 5 classes to Fort Historic Tour in Fort Saskatchewan

May 4 - Early dismissal 1:55 PM; Staff Meeting day

May 4 - Star Wars Spirit Day and Hats On for Mental Health Day

May 5 - Grade 1 Arbor Day presentation

May 6 - No School; Professional Learning Day for Staff

May 11 - “Vesna” Ukrainian Cultural Evening - new date

May 17 - Kindergarten Information Night 

May 18 - Grade 6 English Language Arts Achievement Test - Part A

May 20 - School Closure Day

May 23 - No School; Victoria Day

May 25 - Lunch with Parents/Guardians - outdoors or indoors

Your journey begins here!


Keri Busenius & Rita Lal

Principal  &  Assistant Principal

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113