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Measuring our Success: Complete the Accountability Pillar Survey

Once again, Alberta Education is conducting its Accountability Pillar Survey—an annual check-up on the province’s education system. Every year, Alberta Education conducts the survey to gather information about the quality of education provided by Alberta schools and school authorities. The survey looks at various measures such as engagement levels, student wellness, student outcomes, and the classroom(s) and school climate.

Throughout February, Grade 4 students and teachers at A.L. Horton are completing the survey online at the school. Student participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. Students are assigned a random username and password to ensure survey responses aren’t linked to any individual student. The survey takes about 40 minutes to complete and is done within the school day during regular class time.

Additionally, parents and guardians of students in grades 4, 7 and 10 are also asked to take a survey, either online or by mail. Information about the survey was sent to these families in January. Like the student and teacher survey, it’s anonymous and asks questions about your school experiences. If you have a child in grades 4, 7 or 10, we encourage you to participate. The survey deadline is Feb. 28, 2020.

Results from the Accountability Survey are provided to Elk Island Public Schools each May. The Division then uses the data to inform its four-year education plan, its annual school education plans and strategies for continuous improvement. The results are also shared with EIPS families and school communities each fall in the Division’s Combined Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report.

For more information about Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar Survey visit

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