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Read In Week - October 7-11

Read In Week 2019 returns, marking its 30th anniversary, on October 7-11. The theme this year is “30 Years of Read In: Celebrate with Stories/Célébrons avec des Histoires 30 Anniversaire de Read In.” Through various activities, students will spend the week learning how stories have the power to teach lessons, broaden perspectives and foster empathy. Some of the activities planned for Read In Week include:

-A kick-off assembly will get us going on Monday, October 7th at 10:15 am.
-Special guest readers will read to our students throughout the week.
-Students will design their own book covers of their favorite book which will be used to keep track of reading goal stickers.
-Students will vote on their top 3 books read to them by staff until November 8th.

Read In Week is a Divisionwide initiative held annually to encourage a lifelong love of reading and to enhance literacy awareness among students, staff, parents and community members. We invite all our families to participate in Read In Week with us by reading yourself, with your child or with someone in the community.

Don’t forget to share what you’ve learned throughout the week using the hashtag #eipsreads. We hope you discover some amazing stories.

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