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Report Cards, Field Trips, and Lost & Found

Students and staff are hard at work as we wrap up term two. Thank you for helping your child with study guides for tests and with regular reading for the Friends of A.L. Horton School Society’s Readathon in support of our playground replacements.

Thank you to students and families for supporting the ‘Cookies for Ukraine’ fundraiser on March 4. The student leadership group raised over $900 for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. 



Did you know that almost half of each day’s student absences have no reason reported nor response to school calls and emails? 

Safety is paramount to school operations. Please return school calls and emails promptly or contact the school in advance of your child’s absence at 780-632-3113 or .

Regular attendance at school is an issue for some of our students. Lack of regular attendance results in:

  • missed learning 
  • increased pressure on teachers to catch students up during recesses and lunch hours, leaving less time for teacher collaboration and the supervision of student leadership activities
  • student anxiety upon return to school
  • loss of connection with peers and adults in the school

Data from student absenteeism shows the following:

  • Illness accounts for 10-15% of reported absences. 
    • We are grateful to families for keeping children at home when they are ill.
  • Buses not running impacts a quarter of our students.

Teachers continue to post assignments in Brightspace for students who are absent. Thank you to teachers and support staff for informing families about learning with newsletters and emails, for checking in on absent students, and for consistent efforts to minimize learning loss. 



Across the province and in our school, we are incredibly grateful for the efforts of teacher and educational assistant subs. Staff illnesses, COVID guidelines, and impassable roads have increased the need for substitutes this year. The Vegreville community continues to have a shortage of individuals in these positions. 

Please join us in thanking the many dedicated substitutes in the education profession. They have kept students safe and have helped us with continuity of learning in schools during the pandemic. 


If your family and friends are planning to head into Edmonton for an Oilers’ game, enjoy a discount on tickets when you use the link to Oilers School Spirit Nights:


Log into the Parent Portal on Friday this week to check in on your child’s progress. Teachers have endeavoured to explain next steps for each learner. Not sure how to help? Please email your child’s teacher for more information. Having trouble viewing the report card? Call the school office for assistance at 780-632-3113. 


Now that health restrictions have lifted, teachers are planning field trips to enhance student learning and gain exposure to different activities. Some division two classes are curling late in March, many grades are visiting the Telus World of Science, and we have a recreational swim on the last day of school.

Field trip fees will be updated in your Parent Portal account as soon as costs are calculated. Please pay field trip fees as soon as possible. Costs per student are calculated based on all students paying. Some extracurricular field trips may need to be canceled if there is a large percentage of unpaid field trip fees. Payment installment plans can be arranged by calling the school office at 780-632-3113.


As noted in the previous newsletter, we are discontinuing the use of microwaves in classrooms. We have about twelve used microwaves to clear out of storage. If you are interested in taking one of these microwaves, please enter your name and phone number at this link. We will complete a random draw at the end of March and will contact you to come in and choose a microwave to take home. 


Is your child missing a coat, snow pants, mittens, or hats? The lost and found is full once again. If you are coming by the school, please ring the front doorbell and ask if you might view items outside the office. We will post photos of items on Facebook and Twitter so you can view items online. 



Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Make sure to complete the 2022 EIPS Parent Survey - open from March 14-27.

Annually, EIPS conducts a parent survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Families are asked a series of questions about their experiences with EIPS and the school their child attends, the overall performance of the Division, the quality of education being provided to students and areas for improvement. The survey feedback helps the Division develop new strategies to better serve students and the wider community. 

*Note: The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you want to share the experience of more than one child attending an EIPS school, simply complete the survey again.


The Friends of A.L. Horton School Society Readathon for playground replacements wrapped up on March 11. Students are asked to bring in pledge forms, monies collected, and minutes read forms by Tuesday, March 15 to be entered into prizes. Winners will be announced on video announcements and social media. 


Do you have a child or know of friends with children coming to Kindergarten next year? Register soon to receive an invitation to the Kindergarten Information Night in May. Registered students and families will come for a tour, receive information about preparing for the first week of Kindergarten, and have a chance to ask questions about Ukrainian language programming, early literacy, cooperative play, and more. We are posting information online and hosting a table at the Spring Registration Night to give families a chance to learn more about our amazing school and programs. 


March 16, 23 - Hot Dog lunch day

March 14 - Wendy Brook Festival in gym - four classes performing

March 15 - Readathon pledges and minutes pages due back at school

March 15 to 17 - Giant Indigenous Floor Map in the gym

March 17 - Pleasant Ridge Colony School students visit Giant Indigenous Floor Map in the gym

March 18 - Hat Day for school spirit

March 18 - Pizza Hut hot lunch day

March 18 - Term Two Report Cards posted online on the Parent Portal Gr 1-6; Kindergarten reports sent home

March 21 - School Council meeting 6:30 PM (virtual again this month)

March 24 - Chunkz hot lunch day

March 25 - April 3 (inclusive) - No School; Spring Break

March 15, 28, and April 20 - School Spirit Nights at the Edmonton Oilers Games

April 6 - Early dismissal 1:55 PM; Staff Meeting day

May date TBA - Kindergarten Information Night for parents/guardians of registered students


Your journey begins here!

Keri Busenius & Rita Lal

Principal  &  Assistant Principal

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113