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School Operations & Wendy Brook Festival

Students and staff are hard at work as we wrap up term two. Thank you for helping your child with study guides for tests and with regular reading for the Friends of A.L. Horton School Society’s Readathon in support of our playground replacements.

We are grateful for everyone’s support for Ukraine on the March 1st Day of Solidarity and for the cookies for Ukraine fundraiser on March 4. Thank you to student leaders for organizing the fundraiser with the help of Mrs. Semeniuk and other key staff. 



Families are reminded to check the forecast and conditions so students are dressed appropriately for school. A number of students had only sweatshirts and hoodies last week when temperatures hovered around -18 degrees at lunch recess. The deep snow also makes boots necessary. Field and playground areas are not cleared and runners quickly become full of snow. 


Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) continues to update operations information pertaining to all schools and sites on the EIPS website. Some school specific information includes the following:

  • Playground areas at morning and lunch recesses remain the same until the end of the year.
    • Three playgrounds are in use at the school: K-2, Grade 3-4, and Grade 5-6.
      • Kindergarten students have playground privileges every day while Grade 1 and 2 students take turns on the playground/field area every second day.
      • Grade 3 and 4 students take turns using the playground/field area every second day.
      • Grade 5 and 6 students currently have playground and field privileges every day. There is no crowding on playground equipment and students have been playing well together.
  • Microwaves will not be in use in classrooms going forward for a variety of safety and programming reasons.
    • Hazard assessments for elementary schools recommend the elimination of small appliances in classrooms, including microwaves. 
    • Supervisors cannot oversee microwave use in multiple classrooms during eating time. 
    • Long line ups and extended heating times result in students needing to eat lunch in period 7 which interrupts instructional time.
    • Cleaning of microwaves places a strain on custodial or teaching staff when time is better spent sanitizing surfaces, planning for instruction, or meeting with student groups.
    • Wednesday hot dog days, Friday hot lunch days, and Thermos-type containers provide options for warm lunches.
  • Staff are planning for the first Family Hot Lunch Day in April. 
    • One family hot lunch day will be planned per school term (Sept to Nov; Dec to March; April to June). We hope one day can be a family picnic outdoors on the field and playground areas, weather and insect permitting.
    • To participate, one parent or guardian may RSVP to join a child in class for a designated hot lunch day. Our lunch eating period is from 12:22 - 12:52 PM. More details to follow. 


Parents and guardians with children participating in choral, speech and music events for the Wendy Brook Festival are invited to enjoy performances in the school gym on Monday, March 14 from 1:00-2:00 PM.

  • Please RSVP your attendance numbers at the following link to ensure we have seating available for you: Wendy Brook Festival - sign up to attend
  • Note that all visitors must enter the school via the front doors and check in and out at the school office. Classes are in session; students and staff members are not available at this time. 
  • Washrooms are available at the back of the gym. Students also use these washrooms during the school day. 
  • Parking is available on the side streets around the school. Parking is not permitted in front of the school in the bus lane. 
  • Audience members are reminded to observe all festival rules and procedures. Festival attendants will monitor the gym doors. These remain closed during performances. 
  • Grade 1/2 Ukrainian Bilingual, Grade 3/4 Ukrainian Bilingual, Grade 5/6 Ukrainian Bilingual, and LINKS classes are performing on March 14. 


Is your child missing a coat, snow pants, mittens, or hats? The lost and found is full once again. If you are coming by the school, please ring the front doorbell and ask if you might view items outside the office. We will also post photos of items on Facebook and Twitter when we lay everything out on tables outside the library this week. 


Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Make sure to complete the 2022 EIPS Parent Survey - open from March 14-27.

Annually, EIPS conducts a parent survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Families are asked a series of questions about their experiences with EIPS and the school their child attends, the overall performance of the Division, the quality of education being provided to students and areas for improvement. The survey feedback helps the Division develop new strategies to better serve students and the wider community. 

NOTE: The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you want to share the experience of more than one child attending an EIPS school, simply complete the survey again.



March 9, 16, 23 - Hot Dog lunch day

March 11 - Chins hot lunch day

March 11 - Readathon ends

March 14 - Wendy Brook Festival 1 PM in gym - three classes performing

March 14/15 - Readathon pledges and minutes pages due back at school

March 15 to 17 - Giant Indigenous Canada Floor Map in the gym

March 17 - Pleasant Ridge Colony School students visit Giant Indigenous Canada Floor Map in the gym

March 18 - Hat Day for school spirit

March 18 - Pizza Hut hot lunch day

March 18 - Term Two Report Cards posted online on the Parent Portal Gr 1-6

March 21 - School Council meeting 6:30 PM (virtual again this month)

March 24 - Chunkz hot lunch day

March 25 - April 3 (inclusive) - No School; Spring Break

March 15, 28, and April 20 - School Spirit Nights at the Edmonton Oilers Games

April 6 - Early dismissal 1:55 PM; Staff Meeting day

April 7 - Kindergarten Information Night (2022/2023 classes)


Your journey beings here!

Keri Busenius & Rita Lal

Principal & Assistant Principal

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