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The ALH Wayfinder - September 24, 2021

It’s an exciting time at school these days! Students and staff were busy thinking about others as we collected pledges and planned to walk for family, friends, and loved ones in support of cancer research at the Terry Fox walk today - Friday, September 24. Check out the school website gallery for some more recent photos around the school and in the neighbourhood today.

We are planning for next week’s Orange Shirt Day - September 29 - and a week of Truth and Reconciliation learning activities. 

 The ALH HIGH-Way Patrol has been busy handing out positive tickets to students living The ALH Way:

Accept one another,

Learn through leadership,

Honour principles that build the Greatness in YOU!

Each ticket is read aloud on our video announcements and then sent home to celebrate with families. As we show our caring and empathy for others, we are focusing on the fifth part of our student motto: Help Someone.

If you have a few minutes, enjoy watching one of our video announcements from September. 

Your Journey Begins Here!


Keri Busenius & Rita Lal

Principal & Assistant Principal



Monday 27

  • School Council & ALH Friends Society meeting online 6:30 PM
    • Google Meet code was sent home last week

Tuesday 28

  • Fire drill practice #3

Wednesday 29

  • Wear your Orange Shirt Day in awareness of Canada’s history of residential schools; Every Child Matters

Thursday 30

  • Schools closed; National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

Friday Oct 1

  • A great day for learning!


Monday Oct 4

  • Read-in Week begins!

Tuesday 5

  • World Teachers Day!

Wednesday 6

  • Early Dismissal 2:00 PM; Staff meeting day

Thursday 7

  • A great day for learning!

Friday Oct 8

  • World Mental Health Day on Sunday



  • School volunteers - proof of vaccination



  • Join us for the School Council & ALH Friends Society Meeting Sept 27
  • Numeracy Corner



  • 2021/2022 Programming for Ukrainian Bilingual Program and English options
  • Brightspace for Parents


School Volunteers - Proof of Vaccination

Thank you to volunteers for joining us for this Friday's Terry Fox Walk. Our staff and students were excited that parents and caregivers could be in community with us as we walked to support cancer research.

As you are aware, proof of vaccination is needed for volunteers wishing to work with and be alongside students and staff during classes and on field trips. Please send your proof of vaccination to if you are volunteering for upcoming field trips and classroom events. 

To clarify any of your questions regarding proof of vaccination, here is information from Elk Island Public Schools:

As indicated previously, in the Division email sent home September 17, between September 20 and October 25, proof of a single dose is considered acceptable as long as the dose was given more than 14 days before entering the school. 

After October 25, proof of double vaccination is required as long as the second shot was received 14 days before entry. Acceptable proof of vaccination includes the COVID-19 Immunization Card provided by Alberta Health or paperwork from the Alberta Health Services or pharmacy that provided the vaccination.


School Council Meeting Annual General Meeting & Elections - September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Parents play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning.

Parents actively contribute to the success of the school community by contributing knowledge, perspective and ideas at school council meetings and through other methods established by the school council, including, but not limited to, participating in:

  • surveys
  • focus groups
  • committees
  • projects teams
  • volunteer activities

Learn more at


ALH Fundraising Society Meeting - September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM

The Friends of A.L. Horton Elementary School Society is a parent driven, fundraising organization which partners with school administration to help with funding items for the school. The Society has previously funded such items as playground sand, outdoor sports equipment, classroom and reading room books and equipment, Chromebooks, outdoor sign refurbishment, band equipment, stage equipment, Ukrainian program activities and the current playgrounds at ALH. 

The Society is needing new members to fill executive positions, and is looking for members to oversee significant fundraising projects.  Current meetings are held the last Monday of each operational school month (excluding December, June, July, and August). 


Numeracy Corner

Check out these questions from our math corner at school. What is your solving strategy? Which one is easiest?


I had 7 apples. I ate some. Now I have 5 apples. How many apples did I eat?


Brian has twice as many pets as Tyler. If Brian has 8 pets how many pets does Tyler have?



2021/2022 Programming Update - Ukrainian Bilingual and English options


For the 2021/2022 school year, students in Grades 1-6 move to their afternoon “options” classes in periods 8 through 10 and may have a different teacher than their homeroom teacher.

  • For the last three periods of each day, Ukrainian Bilingual students in Grades 1-6 will have Ukrainian Language Arts, Social Studies (with concepts and materials in English & Ukrainian), Music, Art, and Health. 
  • English program students in Grades 1-3 will have the following classes during the last three periods of each day: Social Studies, Music, Art, Health, and Literacy.
  • English program students in Grades 4-6 will have the following classes during the last three periods of each day: Social Studies, Music, Art, Health, French, and various options including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics), Drama, Makerspace, Reading & Math Buddies, Book Clubs, and more.

See our school website staff directory for updated staff information.


Brightspace for Parents/Guardians

Two new resources have been created to help you support your student’s adults with using Brightspace for Parents/Guardians. The first resource is a video overview of Brightspace for Parents/Guardians that showcases all the features of Brightspace for Parents/Guardians and how to view specific information in the portal. You can find this video on the Brightspace for Parents/Guardians page on the EIPS website along with other resources such as how to create an account for the first time.

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