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The ALH Wayfinder - September 6, 2021

It was an amazing first week at school! We saw so many smiles behind masks, and students were working hard to organize, learn new routines and play areas, and get to know classmates and staff members. 

Thank you to students and families for dropping in to chat with teachers, educational assistants, office staff, and school administration at the Meet the Staff BBQ. Check out our Photo Gallery for some first week smiles and celebrations.

Welcome to all new PALS and Kindergarten families and to families new to our school and new to Vegreville. We’re so glad you’re here!

If you haven’t already, please visit our school website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We do our best to keep updating our many social media accounts with school stories, events, information, and celebrations. 

This week, The ALH HIGH-Way Patrol will begin “ticketing” students for learning and living The ALH Way:

Accept one another,

Learn through leadership,

Honour principles that build the Greatness in YOU!

We are on the lookout for students demonstrating the first two parts of our student motto (posted in all classrooms): Be Safe. Show Respect. Watch for these positive tickets coming home this week! 


Your Journey Begins Here!


Keri Busenius & Rita Lal

Principal & Assistant Principal




  • Labour Day - No School


  • First day back after the long weekend!


  • Early Dismissal at 2 PM (Staff Meeting Day)
  • All Kindergarten A students attend together


  • All Kindergarten B students attend together


  • A great day of learning!


  • Sync the school calendar to your calendar
  • Update your PowerSchool information
  • School Fees
  • Save the Date - School Council & Friends of ALH Meetings
  • Picking up Your Kid Early?
  • Morning Drop Off
  • Parking Lot Safety



  • Caregiver Education Sessions
  • Hot Lunch & Hot Dog Days



  • Programming for Ukrainian Bilingual Program and English options in 2021/22
  • Enhancing Literacy & Numeracy
  • Bus Video Monitoring


Sync the School Calendar to Your Calendar

Did you know you can sync the school calendar to your own calendar? You can. Simply, visit the ALH Calendar and click on the applicable subscription option:

  • Download to iCal
  • Add to Google Calendar
  • Subscribe to Calendar

NOTE: Options are located above the calendar.

Once you click on the desired subscription option, follow the instructions. Within seconds, your calendar will contain all A.L. Horton’s important dates, including holidays, school-closure days, planned activities, events and more.


Update Your PowerSchool Information 

The "Correction and Verification Form" is now available online through your PowerSchool Parent Portal. Families can use the form to access and update their child’s information—including address, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts and any medical information. Reviewing the form and submitting updates ensures the school has the most up-to-date information regarding your child.

If you’ve recently moved, now is the time to ensure the Division has your updated address information. In particular, please also pay close attention to all phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. The Division will undoubtedly continue to have important information to communicate with families throughout this school year, and we want to ensure you receive this information. If you haven't already done so, we ask all A.L. Horton families to review their child’s PowerSchool information by Sept. 22, 2021.

For more information about the PowerSchool Correction and Verification Form, contact the school office at 780-632-3113.


Pay School Fees Online!

School fee information for the 2021-22 school year is expected to be posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal by late September. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay online using Visa, MasterCard or debit card—when available from your financial institution.

Don’t forget to log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of certain school activities such as field trips, class projects, athletic-team fees and more. 

If circumstances exist where you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2021.

For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines visit Alternatively, contact Connie Bay at A.L. Horton Elementary at 780-632-3113.


Save the Date! A.L. Horton School Council & Friends of ALH Fundraising Society Meetings

School Council Meeting - September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM

--What is a School Council?--

Parents play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning.

Parents actively contribute to the success of the school community by contributing knowledge, perspective and ideas at school council meetings and through other methods established by the school council, including, but not limited to, participating in:

  • surveys
  • focus groups
  • committees
  • projects teams
  • volunteer activities

Learn more at


ALH Fundraising Society Meeting - September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM

--Who Are We?--

The Friends of A.L. Horton Elementary School Society is a parent driven, fundraising organization which partners with school administration to help with funding items for the school. The Society has previously funded such items as playground sand, outdoor sports equipment, classroom and reading room books and equipment, Chrome books, outdoor sign refurbishment, band equipment, stage equipment, Ukrainian program activities, and the current playgrounds at ALH. 

The Society is needing new members to fill executive positions, and is looking for members to oversee significant fundraising projects. 

If executive positions are not of interest to you, please consider volunteering to coordinate one of our fundraising ventures.  We will need to fundraise a significant amount in the next couple of years to fund future playground equipment replacement.  Your fundraising ideas, suggestions and support are crucial.  Please consider participating and having your voice heard; any level of involvement is greatly appreciated. 


--Meeting Dates & Times--

School Council & Friends of ALH meetings are held the last Monday of each operational school month (excluding December & June). Meeting dates and times for the 2021-2022 school year will be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on Monday, September 27 at 6:30 PM. All parents/guardians are welcome and invited to attend and be nominated for the Council & Fundraising Society!

We are considering a hybrid approach to meeting attendance - in person and/or online attendance via ZOOM. An email will be sent to all families from the school advising them of September’s meeting format.


Picking Up Your Child Early?

If you need to pick up your child early, please call the front office at least 30 minutes before you need to meet your child at the front doors. With advance notice, we can ensure your child is waiting in the office for you to arrive. Messages sent to the teacher via email during the day may not be viewed in a timely manner because teachers are focused on teaching and are not checking emails. 


Morning Drop Off

While we are happy that our students love coming to school, please ensure your children do not arrive before 8:15 a.m. because there are no staff supervising before this time. 

If you are dropping off your child after 8:30 a.m., please send your child to the front doors. Students will come through the front office to hand sanitize, be welcomed, and then go to class. 


Out of School Care & Parking Lot Safety

If you are checking your child into the Out of School Care program, please remember to park on the main road and walk your child along the sidewalk to the Out of School Care entrance doors.

Please avoid walking children across the parking lot. EIPS Facilities trucks often back into their stalls in this area and may not see children who dart into the parking lot. Thank you for modelling safe behaviours for your children and all other young people who are watching!


Caregiver Education Sessions

Alberta Health Services hosts a variety of virtual caregiver information sessions throughout the year focused on ways to support students’ mental health. The sessions are free and geared toward parents, caregivers, teachers and community members who want to learn more about challenges impacting children and adolescents. Session topics include anxiety, ADHD, depression, self-harm, technology, teens and teaching leadership skills, communication, resiliency and more.

Visit Caregiver Education to see the monthly caregiver sessions.


Hot Lunch

We are looking ahead to October to resume our Hot Lunch orders and our school hot dog lunch days. More information is coming soon for parents and caregivers who would like to volunteer to help out!



2021/2022 Programming Update - Ukrainian Bilingual and English options

For the 2021/2022 school year, students in Grades 1-6 will move to their afternoon “options” classes in periods 8 through 10. 

  • For the last three periods of each day, Ukrainian Bilingual students in Grades 1-6 will have Ukrainian Language Arts, Social Studies (with concepts and materials in English & Ukrainian), Music, Art, and Health. 
  • English program students in Grades 1-3 will have the following classes during the last three periods of each day: Social Studies, Music, Art, Health, and Literacy.
  • English program students in Grades 4-6 will have the following classes during the last three periods of each day: Social Studies, Music, Art, Health, French, and various options including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics), Drama, Makerspace, Reading & Math Buddies, Book Clubs, and more.

See our school website staff directory for updated staff information.


Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy

As part of Elk Island Public Schools’ (EIPS) ongoing efforts to enhance the literacy and numeracy of students in all grade levels, the Division is once again administering the Star Early Literacy/Star Reading and Math Intervention/Programming Instrument (MIPI) assessment tools in the 2021-22 school year. The tools focus on literacy and numeracy, are digitally based and offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning. The goal: To provide timely information to teachers, help enhance classroom instruction and ensure student learning needs are identified.

Three times a year—in September, January/February and May/June—EIPS students in Grade 1 complete the Star Early Literacy assessment and students in grades 2-12 complete the Star Reading assessment. The assessments take approximately 20 minutes and are administered on a digital device. Also, in September, students in grades 2 through 10 will complete the MIPI assessment, which is a mathematical screening tool used to inform teachers about a student’s math skills—students enrolled in math for Semester 2 will complete the MIPI assessment in February. For students in grades 7 through 10, the MIPI takes approximately 50 minutes, and for students in grades 2 through 6 it takes approximately 20 minutes. The results offer the teacher a clearer picture of a student’s learning needs and help determine if subsequent instructional planning is required.

The scores of the assessments aren’t used toward a student’s grade, and there is no need to study ahead of time. The tools simply provide the teacher with information to better understand where each student is in terms of reading comprehension and mathematical ability. If, after analyzing the results, it’s determined a student can benefit from extra support, the teacher will contact the family to discuss possible support strategies.

For more information about the Division’s Star and MIPI assessment tools, contact EIPS Supports for Students at 780-464-3477.


Video Surveillance on Buses

Did you know each EIPS bus is equipped with video surveillance? Video surveillance and equipment helps:

  • ensure the safety of all students, drivers and property; and
  • discourage destructive acts.

On a regular basis, EIPS Student Transportation reviews the video recordings, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act). The recordings assist the department with monitoring student and driver conduct and may be used as evidence in a disciplinary matter.

For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, contact the EIPS FOIP Co-ordinator at 780-464-3477.

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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113