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A reminder to all families that there is no school on February 9 and 10 due to Teachers’ Convention. 

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day. 



Watch your email for updates regarding the morning snack program and the hot lunch program. The Community Association for Lasting Success (CALS) has received a grant to support all local schools with additional food to support student learning from February to June 2023.

Student leaders will deliver additional snacks Monday through Friday starting later this month, to top up the regular Tuesday to Thursday snack club.

The A.L. Horton School kitchen might be host to nutrition grant staff and volunteers warming meals for students in the Vegreville community. Nutritious meals at no cost - two or three days a week - will be provided to students by CALS and the school’s hot dog Wednesdays might also be sponsored by the grant. Further details and ordering information will be coming home soon. Please watch your email. 



Whether you are checking in with teachers regarding school work, working with school administration to support your child through a mistake in judgment or inappropriate behaviour, or emailing a teacher about a worry, remember that school staff and families need to work in collaboration. Each day, school staff work closely as a team to support your child’s growth as a learner, friend to others, helpful citizen, and respectful school community member. Without positive partnerships with parents and interactions that enhance the inclusive, welcoming school culture we strive to create each day, we will falter in our work educating children. 

Articles for parents & caregivers: 

When a problem arises at school: 

A staff favourite about “taking care of those who hold the children”: 

A reminder that all school volunteers in classrooms and on field trips have signed a confidentiality agreement. Information learned about students during the course of volunteer activities is to be kept in strictest confidence to protect the safety and dignity of our children and the safe and welcoming culture of our school. 



Our hot dog and local restaurant hot lunch fundraisers have made it possible for us to purchase 70 new Chromebooks, totalling about $22 000, to replace classroom technology that is out of date and no longer repairable. Thank you to the many parents who make time to cook and prepare food on hot dog Wednesdays, a long time tradition at A.L. Horton School. We are grateful for parents and caregivers who support hot lunch Fridays and hot dog Wednesdays to make purchases that support student programming and school culture possible. 

Thank you to Miss Billingsley for taking the lead to organize skating field trips along with teachers this month. A number of students have been unable to secure helmets or skates and will be unable to join their classmates on the ice. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have items you can loan to a child over the next couple of weeks. Much gratitude to parents and caregivers who are able to make time to tie skates and be on the ice to support many levels of young skaters. 


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5037 - 48 Ave
Vegreville , AB T9C 1L8

Phone: 780-632-3113